1. Never use your fabric scissors for any material other than cloth. They tend to get dull fast if you would use them for other materials.
2. Felt is a very easy material for beginners. It doesn't fray, doesn't stretch and it comes in many wonderful colours.
3. Always keep a piece of practicing fabric by your sewing machine. If you've threaded the machine or if you're using a new stitch, sew a line on your practicing fabric before you start on the real deal.
4. If you're an unexperienced seamstress, try to stitch as slow as possible. Modern sewing machines often have a speed control option. That's wonderful for beginners and for stitching difficult angles or details.
5. If you want to turn your fabric, to change direction or to make a round line, leave the needle in the lowest position (i.e. inside your fabric). Then raise the pressure foot, turn your fabric in the wanted position, lower your pressure foot and continue stitching.
6. Wrong side/right side: the right side of the fabric is the colored, nice side. The wrong side is the side that becomes the inside of your project.
7. Bias binding works easiest this way.